Just as Andre needs a team of assistants both onstage and backstage to enable him to do his shows, we, too, need a team of people to enable us to continue the ministry God has called us to by supporting us both in prayer and financially.
You can join us as a ministry partner in outreach. Then together we can make an eternal difference in peoples’ lives by reaching out with God’s love as ministry partners. In fact, since 1951 it has only been the financial support of individuals like you that has made the work of Campus Crusade for Christ possible. This means we must form a group of partners who will supply the missing ingredient needed to make our full-time ministry possible through pledges of monthly support.
You can help by sending monthly contributions that are earmarked for us, to Campus Crusade for Christ. Campus Crusade will then use your gifts to pay our salary and ministry expenses.
All staff members are paid according to the same salary structure. We must raise these funds, though, in order to receive them.
We then become the personal representatives of those who choose to contribute to our ministry. As a result, individuals like you become partners with us in reaching the lost for Christ.
We would like to invite you to join with us as a partner in reaching others for Christ by contributing financial support each month. In order to prevent being distracted from our ministry responsibilities any more than necessary, we would like to raise our needed support as soon as possible. Therefore, we are asking people to join with us by pledging $200, $100, $50 per month, or what ever amount the Lord would lead.
How to Give
If you have been led by the Lord to invest in our ministry, you can do so now by one of the methods below.
Online – Click here to give with your credit card.
By Check – If you would like to invest by mailing in a check, instructions for doing so can be found here. Be sure to include a note indicating that your gift should go to our account number: 0255937. Or, notify us with the contact form below, and we will mail you a pre-addressed envelope which you can use to ensure your check is directed to our ministry account.
By Bank Transfer – You can arrange to save time, money and postage by setting up an electronic funds transfer directly from your bank. Instructions for doing so are here. This can be set up by mail or phone. If you would like to notify us with the contact form below, and we can help step you through the process.