That’s true. Our ministry here with Andre Kole is, and always has been, about changed lives – lives changed as a result of understanding God’s love and forgiveness. Numbers can not express the importance and depth of that understanding, nor the ripple effect of the life of someone who embraces this truth.
But, while numbers can’t necessarily communicate the quality of one’s relationship with God, they can express the quantity ofpeople who have indicated their understanding and willingness to actively respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. And with that in mind, Andre’s office has been keeping records of show attendance and information volunteered on comment cards since 1977.
Recently we have combined the various databases which have been used over the years, and compiled the results. We thought you may be interested to learn of the impact Andre has had over the last 37 years for which records have been kept.
Number of Shows: 2,195
Number of people who attended those shows: 1,590,637
Number of people indicating that they would like more information about having a personal relationship with God: 67,999
Number of people indicating that they trusted Christ for their salvation at the program: 208,684
Overall percent of attendees who indicated making a commitment to Christ through Andre’s presentations: 13%
States performed in: 49, plus the District of Columbia. (What’s that? Oh, Alaska)
And this doesn’t account for the prior 14 years.
So much for the measurable side of ministry. Now for the immeasurable impact toward eternity, from comments cards turned in at the shows.
“In 1976 I prayed to receive Christ through your presentation. Thank you for letting God use you to share Christ. I am now a Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor doing Biblical Counseling. Your ministry will have even more far reaching effects for years more to come, Lord willing.“
“My husband and I are separated and came to your show together. Maybe!” (Her husband indicated a decision for Christ at that show, also.)
“The show was wonderful. I’ve been wanting to invite Jesus Christ into my heart for some time and I didn’t know how. Thank you Mr. Kole.“
From a 12 year old boy: “Last year my best friend came to your show. He accepted Christ. He died recently and thanks to your show last year I’m sure he went to heaven. I would just like to thank you for coming last year and this year.“
And from that boy’s parents: “Last year when we came to the Andre Kole presentation we brought a 10 year old neighbor boy. He prayed your prayer and accepted Christ as Savior. As far as I know this is the only time he had been exposed to the Gospel. In December this 10 year old was killed instantly in a car accident. We are so happy that your ministry touched his life.“
It has been an honor to have a small part in presenting the gospel message to so many people in such a clear and non-threatening way through Andre’s programs over the years.